Iā€™m Arek Panek.

About Me.

Software is my passion

Get To
Know Me.

My name is Arkadiusz Panek, but as “Arkadiusz” is usually difficult to spell, I just introduce myself as Arek. I live in Warsaw, Poland and come from the seaside. Programming is what I do for 14 years already, 6 of them commercially.

Practice Makes Perfect

Never-stopping Learner

Software Engineer

I’m programming for 12 years already, constantly learning new things. Throughout my career I worked for big companies like Facebook and Lufthansa.


Apollin is a company with 3 years of tradition, always delivering highest quality in given timeline, using the best standards.

Engineering Mentor

I love to share my knowledge, help people learn new things and overcome obstacles. That’s why we have apollin.com

Knowledge is everything

My Skills.


Software engineering

I’m using technologies like Java, PHP, Hack and their tools & libraries – Laravel, WordPress, JEE.


Data & DevOps

Proficient (as much as a programmer /not devops/ can be) in Linux, NGINX, MySQL, PostgreSQL



I do client management, communication, negotation, projects analysis and estimates.

more about me


It’s not only programming that a man is living for. I do a couple of other things as my hobbies.


I love to optimize my PTO days to travel at least 50 days a year, finding good deals and beautiful places.


I usually read books to gain a new knowledge – everything from IT through business, self-improvement to history, maths and physics.


Programming and writing poems is a crazy union, but first apollin.com website many years ago was a poem blog.


I love metalcore, my girlfriend doesn’t love me when I listen to metalcore šŸ™‚ waiting for you in Poland, The Amity Affliction!